The Salty Chip Blog

A social space to learn more about the Canadian Multiliteracies Collaborative


Status update

After beta testing with early adopters and then a full class of students, we have been busy sharing the Salty Chip with students and teachers locally in face to face presentations, and virtually -well everywhere! Well over 150 people have logged in and have been ‘checking out’ the network. I have been really excited to hear from students I have taught in previous years who are gathering their favourite lessons to share, and updating me about where they are teaching or what they are doing.

We have continued to have a few issues for some in the sign up period. The vast majority have fallen into the category of good old fashioned human error; that is, forgetting to ‘check’ the box that indicates your acceptance of the terms of use agreement or a simple typo in the address. We follow up with all individuals sitting in a ‘pending’ status in an effort to communicate the process people can follow to delete their initial attempt and sign up successfully. We are continuing to work with the provider to make the process as seamless as possible.

Keep in mind that what you are viewing at the early stage are the contributors’ first submissions of work that they have decided to share. As more and more people become involved, we hope that they build on these early ideas, and integrate them with their own unique skills for their own context and reshare them back into the community.

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